Manufacturing concrete restoration solution and old concrete floors for use in industrial halls, parking lots, warehouses, etc. by Dasco research team

Flooring and protective coverings

Concrete floors are subject to deterioration under various conditions, including impact, wear, harsh weather conditions, and chemical attacks. In environments that include daily activities and heavy operations, it will not be easy to determine all factors that destroy the floor. Therefore, in order to ensure that its structure is not damaged in different industries, using a resistant flooring designed according to the conditions of each industrial process will be the best option.

In general, the main reasons for the need for flooring are: protection of the substrate against physical and chemical destruction, reducing the permeability of the floor to moisture in order to prevent damage caused by the cycle of melting and freezing, corrosion of rebar or other destructive factors, preventing dust penetration and dust caused by daily traffic, providing slip resistance, design or texture, achieving a hard, soft and shiny surface with the ability to clean and disinfect easily.

The classification of flooring systems includes cement flooring system and resin flooring. According to the needs of each of the different industries in the field of flooring, one or sometimes several examples of the mentioned categories can be presented and implemented. Therefore, to ensure the selection of the best system in the relevant industry, it is necessary to compare the properties of the offered floors to make the best choice.

One of the main factors of destruction of concrete and metal structures in sewage systems is biogenic gases and free ions. The increase in the amount of these gases and the concentration of acids in sewage systems cause the destruction of structures and reduce their useful life.

– Strengthening and preventing the penetration and influence of these corrosive factors or any acid and alkali with different concentrations by specialized products that can be provided, in addition to increasing the service life and speed of execution and reducing costs, a suitable alternative for anti-acid tiling and or polymer coatings are common.

– Integrity and no need to perform a seam, the ability to apply in one step, the possibility of applying in wet environments, ensuring that it does not separate from the substrate, and the ability of traffic on the surface of these products are among their technical advantages. Integrated and seamless protective and anti-corrosion coatings

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